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更新時間:2013-03-06   點擊次數:2399次

HOOK™ AP SULFO Labeling kit




The HOOK AP SULFO labeling kit is an efficient enzyme labeling kit for tagging proteins with alkaline phosphatase enzyme. This kit has activated AP that couples to peptides, proteins and ligands that have free sulfhydryl groups. The maleimide activated AP saves time as the first step of the normal two-step maleimide activation procedure is already complete, saving several hours of valuable research time. To aid in the preparation of AP conjugates using free sulfhydryls the kit is supplied with SATA (N-Succinimidyl S-acetylthioacetate), to add free sulfhydryls to existing amine groups, and 2-mercaptoethylamine.HCl, a mild reducing agent for conjugating AP to immunoglobulin G (IgG) and its fragments. HOOK AP SULFO labeling kit is supplied with Tube-O-Reactor™, a system that allows all the key steps of enzyme labeling of proteins to be performed in a single tube. This minimizes the risk of sample loss, experimental time and hands-on phases. Enzyme labeling involves three main steps that can all be performed in the supplied Tube-O-Reactor™: 1. Equilibration of reaction conditions for optimized reactions; 2. Subsequent reaction of maliemide activated enzyme with target proteins; 3. Removal of unreacted agents and by-products.


Reacts with free sulfhydryls to form covalent bonds; Supplied with reagents to generate sulfhydryl groups. Store: 2~8℃


